Amazon Brand Identity Guide How to Get Noticed Online

Amazon Brand Identity Guide: How to Get Noticed Online

There have been major changes in the Amazon marketplace recently, such as updated low-inventory fee, storage fee, requirements for button cells or coin batteries products and more are predicted to keep happening quickly. It is obvious that in the e-commerce industry, the traditional approach of just putting things out there and hoping for success is insufficient. Standing out in the increasingly competitive market has grown more difficult, hence, every seller needs to establish a strong Amazon Brand Identity to propel their brand in e-commerce.

Aiming for growth in 2024 and beyond, your brand must adjust to the shifting dynamics of the Amazon landscape. Today’s success for every brand requires more than just a product launch; it takes a strategic approach to lure in customers to the brand’s online store and increase sales and profitability in the Amazon marketplace.

Read on to understand the road map for successfully navigating these developments and guaranteeing your success against more than two million different active sellers competing on Amazon!


Building a brand is like having a conversation with the world about your business. It’s about introducing yourself, sharing what you do, and ultimately, building a connection with the people you want to reach. It’s a continuous process, not a one-time event. Imagine your brand as a new face in a bustling marketplace. You want to introduce yourself, showcase your products, and become a familiar name amongst your target audience by reaching out to them through keywords/queries they commonly use to look for products similar to your brand’s offering, create a compelling brand story/storefront that resonates with the target customer’s behavior and preferences.

Brand owners must possess a deep understanding of their brand’s core identity. This includes clearly defined brand values, the problems your brand solves for customers, and what differentiates you from competitors. With these fundamentals in place, consistent and clear communication across all platforms becomes effortless. This fosters a strong brand identity on Amazon, allowing your audience to recognize, recall, and develop a positive association with your brand. Imagine your brand as a delightful surprise, seamlessly integrated into your customers’ daily lives.


Put aside brand’s logos and bright colors for a moment. Your Amazon Brand Identity is like a big plan for your business’s future, showing what it’s really about. It’s what makes you stand out, helping you connect with customers on a personal level and earn their loyalty.

Why it Matters:

In today’s world, brands with a clear purpose are more compelling than ever. They’re the ones that share their genuine story, openly talk about what they believe in, and create strong connections that people really relate to, leading to more people knowing about your brand, more sticking with it for the long-term.

A recent study by Amazon Ads found that 79% of people are more likely to buy from brands that share their values. A strong brand identity helps you bring the audience together around the brand’s ideas and beliefs, not just its products or services. It’s about creating a brand that people remember, trust, and keep coming back to.


1. Build a Strong Brand Identity on Amazon: Your Step-by-Step Guide:

Launching generic products is a common strategy for new Amazon private-label suppliers looking to earn a profit. Though it may sound like an attractive way to earn money, it’s a poor strategy in the long-run. Rather, you should focus on developing a brand that complements your products. This is what you’ll need:


A registered trademark from the United States Patent and Trademark Office protect’s your brand’s unique identity from getting exploited from unauthorized sellers. You can then enroll your brand on Amazon Brand Registry and also register your brand’s trademark and copyright to protect yourself against unauthorized sellers.

B. Become an Amazon Brand Registry Member:

You need to enroll your brand in the Amazon Brand Registry using either your newly-issued official trademark or a provisional trademark. Product description pages with EBC and Amazon premium a+ content, storefront development, and product infringement case filing all become available to the seller in one place.

C. Create a Unique Logo:

With your logo, Amazon, buyers, and rival sellers can all see that the product is unique. The logo creates the brand’s unique identity, differentiating it from the competitors and also making it harder for the unauthorized sellers to post fake offers on your Amazon product listing, or infringe your brand’s copyrights to boost sales. Having the trademark prominently displayed on both the product and packaging helps to establish your product’s and brand’s authenticity.

D. Create a Guide for Your Brand:

A lot of information, including the brand’s relevant colors, logos, and graphic styles, is included in the Brand Guide. Portraying a consistent brand’s image that customers would seek out is best achieved by establishing and following the brand guide from the start.

2. Key insights into brand analytics:

Amazon provides its registered sellers with Brand Analytics, a service that helps them acquire reliable data and insights. Top search terms that result in sales, product comparisons, consumer demographics, and more can all be found in this handy tool. You can use this data to create focused ads campaigns, improve listings, and understand potential customers’ behavior and preferences.

3. Invest in Brand Packaging:

Often overlooked, unpacking can be a powerful tool for shaping customer experience. The moment a customer opens your product is an opportunity to create a positive emotional connection with your brand. Imagine the delight of receiving a long-awaited purchase, only to discover thoughtful and meticulous packaging that reflects the care put into each order. This stands in stark contrast to the disappointment of receiving a mundane box.

Sellers who invest in creating memorable product packaging are capitalizing on a valuable opportunity to make a lasting impression.

4. Design a Storefront That Represents the Brand’s Image:

You can visit the official website of a brand right from an Amazon listing if you look for the name of the brand next to the product title. Any brand whose trademarks are registered with the brand registry is eligible to open an Amazon storefront. Businesses may safeguard their brand and convey their narrative to consumers by exercising complete control over it.

Brands now have the possibility to mimic the appearance of their own brand’s website on Amazon, thanks to this functionality. Shoppers interested in the brand and its products will have a better experience as a whole. All of your products, along with offers promoting your popular products, product’s infographics, and more, should be present in your online store.

5. Discover your Target audience:

Determine a target audience by means of questionnaires, focus groups, and individual interviews. The greatest way to develop a loyal customer base is to have a firm grasp on what consumers want and need. This can necessitate audience segmentation, the process of identifying distinct subsets of your target demographic. Customers’ age range, geography, and buying patterns are just a few of the variables that could help you classify them into these subgroups.


The key to maintaining success in the ever-changing Amazon marketplace is adaptability. Looking ahead to 2024 and beyond, it is crucial for all Amazon sellers to focus on building a strong Amazon Brand Identity in addition to supplying products. In an increasingly crowded marketplace, this identity will help consumers find, identify with, and return to your business time and time again. A strong brand identity on Amazon is built upon the steps indicated here, which include obtaining trademarks, creating distinctive logos, and setting brand rules. Adopting these practices will set you up for long-term success in the ever-changing e-commerce industry.

If you’re having trouble providing outstanding customer service or managing your brand reputation on Amazon, your trusted e-commerce partner, Prime Retail Solution, is here to help. Book a FREE consultation with our e-commerce brand experts today to discuss growth strategies for your brand.
