What Should Sellers Expect From Amazon Brand Registry

What Should Sellers Expect From Amazon Brand Registry?

Problems with counterfeit goods or tampered product content are realities of doing business on Amazon.

Fortunately, the Amazon Brand Registry provides vital tools to aid vendors in avoiding such problems. This post will explain how the Amazon Brand Registry works, how to sign up, and other brand protection services you may use to stop sellers on the Amazon marketplace from selling counterfeit versions of your products.

Is It Worth It to Register Your Brand with Amazon?

The Amazon Brand Registry is a service that allows vendors to register their brands with the online retail giant. It safeguards businesses from brand infringement by giving them complete management of their trademarks.

In addition to legal protection, Amazon provides brand-registered sellers with a suite of marketing and operational resources designed just for them.

Who Can Register With Amazon Brand Registry?

If you wish to register your Amazon store on the Amazon Brand Registry, you must fulfill the following criteria:

  1. Those who make or possess their label brands
  2. Retailers who carry officially licensed brands
  3. Amazon product detail page administrators must be either authorized sellers or an employee of the brand owner or manufacturer.

Once you meet the eligibility criteria for enrolling on Amazon Seller Brand Registry, you might be interested in knowing how it can help protect your brand from counterfeiters or IP infringers.

Why Should I Sign Up on Amazon Brand Registry?

Brand owners must emphasize product security as the prevalence of unauthorized vendors grows in the Amazon marketplace. Many companies have filed lawsuits against Amazon as a result of this.

As a result, Amazon created the Brand Registry service, through which vendors register their brands with Amazon to safeguard their intellectual property from imitators.

There are many problems that Amazon sellers can solve by joining the program. Some of them are discussed below, followed by the benefits and valuable tools you can use to counter any damage done to your brand/business by unauthorized Amazon sellers.

1. Infringers, Unauthorized Retailers and Counterfeiters

You don’t want to deal with hijackers or counterfeiters on Amazon. They are way too motivated to destroy any business’ reputation that lands on their target list. Only if you take prompt action can you reverse their malicious acts.

Hijackers’ most common target is inactive listings with many positive ratings—people ‘hijack’ profiles to advance in search results without earning positive user feedback. When selling a product, counterfeiters sell it without permission. They can also sell knockoffs of popular products already on the market.

2. Losing Customer Trust/Loyalty

Buyers who meet Amazon listing hijackers often end up with low-quality or fake goods. As a result, such clients will be less inclined to work with you in the future. They might eventually stop buying anything with your company’s logo on it.

3. Unauthorized Sellers Cut Into Your Profits

Customers looking for a cheap bargain may be drawn to unauthorized sellers because of their lower prices. Losing the Buy Box can be devastating for well-known merchants. This might slow down progress for the company and reduce income.

How Amazon Brand Registry Can Help Protect Your Brand:

Becoming a part of the Amazon Seller Brand Registry comes with many benefits. Amazon’s Brand Registry has many advantages, including the following:

1. Increased Management of Your Amazon Listing

Unauthorized alterations to product listings by third-party (3P) merchants constitute a significant source of frustration for Amazon brand owners.

Your listing’s performance may suffer severely as a result of these alterations.

Imagine putting all those efforts into creating attractive product listings for your goods only to have them removed by Amazon because of illegal alterations.

Brand registration on Amazon gives the owner more control over the listing but does not prevent unauthorized alterations. That means you can monitor your listing and easily undo any alterations.

2. Strengthened Defense Against Fake Goods

Amazon provides registered brand owners with sophisticated tools to identify and eliminate counterfeiters from the Amazon marketplace who illegally use their brand’s logo, product image, or any content without a signed consent.

Brand-authorized retailers, for instance, can conduct specific, manual searches of the product catalog and immediately notify any instances of suspected counterfeiting.

You can use your brand’s picture in an image search on Amazon Brand Registry to locate products with comparable graphics or logos. You can also search worldwide across all thirteen of Amazon’s marketplaces to see if there have been any unauthorized sales abroad.

If you discover a fake product listing on Amazon, you can notify the brand protection staff, who will promptly remove it.

3. Branding Resources Easily Available

When a business signs up for Amazon’s Brand Registry, it gains access to several free resources that can improve its brand’s visibility and customer service.

These resources include:

  1. Premium Quality Brand Stores’ Content
  2. Analytics for Your Brand and Your Dashboard (beta)
  3. Sponsored Ads
  4. Amazon Video
  5. Amazon Music
  6. Amazon Live
  7. Amazon Vine

4. Brands Analytics

Amazon’s Brand Registry is the most robust tool available to vendors. The Brand Analytics feature allows vendors to see the big picture for their brand on Amazon.

In addition, it provides several reports that enable you to delve further into various facets of your organization, such as:

Search Catalog Performance:

It demonstrates how buyers engage with products from your brand throughout the search and purchase process.

Search Query Performance:

It reveals the most popular search terms that bring buyers to your products.

Repeat Purchase Behavior:

This section displays the most frequently purchased items.


Customers’ locations, sexes, ages, economic brackets, and marital status can all be pooled to provide insight into the target market’s demographics.

Top Search Terms:

It lists the most frequently used search phrases over a specific period.

Market Basket Analysis:

It reveals the typical additional purchases consumers make after a purchase.

5. Sponsored Brand Ads

You are eligible to run Sponsored Brand Ads only if you’re a part of the Amazon seller brand registry. Increase brand recognition and encourage product cross-selling with these commercials.

Sponsored Brand ads, which appear at the top of Amazon search results and feature your logo, unique slogan, and several goods, allow you to express your brand’s messaging accurately.

Shoppers who interact with your Sponsored Brand Ads will be taken to your Brand Storefront, where they can learn everything there is to know about your business. Another alternative is to send customers directly to a selected product page.

For instance, a Sponsored Brand Video ad bypasses the Brand Store, favoring a specific product listing.

Ensuring Amazon Brand Protection Through Brand Registry Programs

When you register your brand with Amazon, you gain access to unique Brand Registry Programs that assist you in maintaining and growing your business’s reputation. After you sign up, we’ll immediately begin taking measures to remove any potentially infringing listings or incorrect content.


Project Zero combines Amazon’s technological prowess with knowledge of specific brands to identify and eliminate fakes.

How it helps:
If you are already familiar with Brand Registry Programs providing brand protection solutions, then you have access to Project Zero, which grants you special counterfeit protection.

With this Amazon Brand Protection program, you can immediately remove counterfeit listings with the Amazon Seller Brand Registry without contacting the Amazon support team.

Our optional serialization solution in Project Zero allows you to provide distinct identifiers for each item, effectively blocking counterfeits at the unit level before they reach customers. Whether Amazon or another vendor fulfills the order, every item is guaranteed genuine.


Transparency safeguards your business and its clients by verifying the authenticity of each item supplied.

How it helps:
Transparency relies on secure, unique identifiers to identify individual pieces to combat counterfeits, increase customer involvement, and optimize the supply chain.

The Transparency program makes sure that only genuine products reach the end users. Keep in touch with buyers after they’ve purchased your product. Customers can use the Transparency app or the Amazon Shopping app to verify the authenticity of products and gain access to exclusive content.

You can learn more about your products at the batch or lot level, which will help you find problems in the supply chain and figure out why they’re happening so you can fix them, enhance your products, and keep your operations running smoothly.


Amazon’s Counterfeit Crimes Unit (CCU) collaborates with companies, governments, and customers worldwide to combat counterfeiting and punish those responsible. Counterfeiters must be stopped wherever they may be, online or off. We established CCU to combat counterfeit goods and safeguard consumers, businesses, and brand owners from criminals.

How it helps:
The program identifies the counterfeiters behind the unauthorized sales, investigates the cases, and removes the products from Amazon’s stores. The investigation is to given to law enforcement to recover counterfeit goods and ensure their rightful owners are vindicated. The program identifies and pursues counterfeiters at every link in their supply chain, and manufacturing, distribution, logistics, and financial resources.


Registering your intellectual property (IP) is the first step in trademark protection. When a brand signs up for IP Accelerator, they can more easily access Brand Registry’s benefits.

How it helps:
IP Accelerator reduces the complexity and expense of trademark protection for startups and mid-sized companies.

This IP Accelerator Brand Registry Program helps avoid paying hefty amounts for correcting trademark mistakes by registering your brand by using our list of reputable intellectual property law firms.

While your trademark application is pending, you can expedite use of Brand Registry’s protection and development tools for brands.

Consult with reputable professionals to assist registering intellectual property in foreign nations when you introduce your brand to emerging markets.

Concluding Remarks:

When it comes to Amazon Brand Protection and fighting counterfeits, the Brand Registry Programs are a game-changer for sellers.

Amazon’s Brand Registry provides merchants with a suite of advanced features, including tools for selling their wares and managing product listings.

It has a proven track record of lowering instances of infringement and offering helpful resources for building brands, making it an essential tool for any vendor looking to grow their enterprise.

As a result, if you meet the requirements, signing up for the Amazon Brand Registry is a surefire way to increase sales.
